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Check out GFAR latest Update!

We are happy to share the newest GFAR update. Go through GFAR’s capacity Building Programme for the Implementation of Farmers' Rights, and learn more about the outcomes of Bioversity International's workshop on facilitating access to plant genetic resources for food and agriculture.

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Madan’s Journey after attending the Technical Online Communicators 2014 Workshop

It’s been almost a year since Madan Poudel, former YPARD Web4Knowledge intern took part in TOCs 2014.

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Pathways to Lasting Impact for Rural Dryland Communities in the Developing World: Dryland Systems 2014 Annual Report

GFAR has a strong connection with the Dryland Systems CRP and is proud of the contribution made by the Global Forum partners  YPARD and ...

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Publishing the Capacity Building Programme for the Implementation of Farmers' Rights

GFAR has long been concerned with Farmers’ Rights and played a pivotal role in the adoption of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture.

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Training the trainers: Participatory prospective analysis for forest tenure analysis in Uganda

With a population of close to 35m people, a total area of 241,038 square kilometres, and a forest cover of ...

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Facilitating Access to Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

From 23-26 June, 2015 at a workshop organized by Bioversity International GFAR joined a group of experts discussing draft guidelines to support facilitated access of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture. 

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The Forum in Action

Food Security, Gender Equality and Peace-Building

The Institute of Development Studies and the FAO are launching this online discussion focusing...

AIRCA Newsletter - June 2015

We are happy to share the first newsletter of the Association of International Research and...